Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ms Arty Pants Lilly Style

A group of women from my church went to Ms. Arty Pants last week to paint. I asked Ms. Arty Pants if she could do the new Chin Chin print from Lilly Pulitzer on a canvas. That Ms. Arty Pants is so talented! When I got to her studio she had the print on my blank canvas.
I chose my paints and got started. 

It was quite the project!

I am a messy painter!

My finished canvas
Some of the other artists and paintings -
Ms Hilda

My friend Tina's painting
My mom and me

Monday, February 25, 2013

Popcorn Bar

Last week my school hosted two other schools at our staff meeting. My principal asked me to provide snack. (I am the chair of our Social Committee). After looking around on Pinterest I decided a popcorn bar would be the perfect snack idea for the meeting. Here are some pictures of our popcorn bar.
We used regular popcorn and white cheddar popcorn

my pink and white polka dot welcome banner

toppings - pretzels, marshmallows, Reese's Pieces, M & Ms, gummy bears, craisins, and peanuts

 Everyone enjoyed getting to fill their bag with the popcorn and toppings. It was a very neat idea and I think very successful!


Saturday, February 23, 2013

strength and dignity

she is clothed with strength and dignity and will laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
My Mamaw Edna and me - Thanksgiving 2010
The verse above is one of my favorite bible verses and I think it describes my Mamaw Edna perfectly! Two years ago she went to heaven. There is so much I could say about Mamaw. She was awesome!
In college I had to interview and write a story about my oldest living relative. At that time my Mamaw was 80! She was 95 when she passed away! My family decided that I should share some of that paper I wrote at her funeral. I was honored that they asked me. I wanted to share some of that paper today.
Christmas 2010
Growing up with the Chambers’ family has always been an adventure.  My fondest childhood memories are filled with laughter and joy.  If anything ever happened to my family we handled it with courage and strength and took joy in the fact we had each other.  We always had laughter in our lives.  I guess a lot of this laughter came from my Mamaw Edna. 
Mamaw Edna is a remarkable woman.  She always hoped for a better life when she was a child.  But when she looks back on her life now, she says she would not change anything.  Mamaw says that she is a lot like Paul in the Bible, she is happy with what she has had and what she has now.  One thing that has always been constant in my Mamaw’s life is her faith in God.  My Mamaw has lived with a deacon all her life, her dad was a deacon and my Papaw was a deacon when she married him.  When my Mamaw faces anything she leans on the strength that God gives her.  A strong sense of faith in God has been passed on through the generations in my family. 
          My Mamaw wants her grandchildren to remember her as a good woman.  She wants us to always go to church and live our life right.  But most importantly, Mamaw wants us to join her and Papaw in heaven.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Pinned Image
This tee-shirt makes me smile! Plus it is on my Disney Princess Half Marathon Board on Pinterest. And you know what that means - If you have a Pinterest board devoted to the half marathon you MUST run it!
So I must share my latest run update -
On Monday I ran/walked 3.1 miles in 35 minutes. I am slowly getting there. Baby steps. I am still on the treadmill so I am sure my time might be different when I head outdoors. Tomorrow I will attempt to run 2 miles without stopping.

Monday, February 18, 2013

my weekend

I finally got to go to visit with the twins. I couldn't wait to see them. It had been 10 weeks since our last visit.  I just knew they would forget who Moe was! I am amazed at how much they had changed since our last visit. They are talking more and it is so much easier to understand them. They are not babies anymore but big girls!
My mom and dad also went on the road trip. The girls call them Papa Ronald and Granny Janet. 
On Saturday it started snowing! It doesn't snow much there so I think everyone got excited!  I got excited too - I LOVE snow!

Pinehurst No 2 Golf Course

Perfect way to end a snowy day!

 Right before we left Sunday. I sure do miss those precious girls.

Some of my favorite things the girls said or did this weekend -
 I had on my bracelets and earrings and Hadley told me I was dressed up like a princess!
Harper wanting to put on my "gip gloss" and her sneaking into my make-up bag to get some!
Having a "wadies wunch" on Saturday.
Hearing them read their books. Hadley woke up Saturday morning and read a book in bed. Every page had the words "mommy and daddy and wonderful day."

I enjoy every second I get to spend with those girls and their mom Jennifer! I am amazed how much their smile and hug can totally melt your heart. Being "Aunt Moe" to those cutie pies is about the best thing I know right now!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

some valentines pictures -

 Target heart sweater. I found this on clearance after Christmas and thought it would be perfect for today.  I had so many compliments on it!
My parents! My dad took my mom and me out to dinner! Love them! (My mom will be so upset to know I posted a picture of her! Don't tell her!)
Silpada stacking rings. Love the heart!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bee Mine


On Monday Ms. Arty Pants came to my class to paint a Valentine's Day canvas with my students. Ms. Arty Pants is a local Paint Your Own Canvas studio.  Anessa, Ms. Arty Pants,  will also visit schools and paint with the kids.  My kids love this! We painted at Christmas and they couldn't wait for her to come back!

The kids start with a blank canvas with a sketch of what they are going to paint. The kids decided to paint a "Bee Mine" picture.  Ms. Arty Pants guided them through the process.

Each kid got to pick out the paint color for the background which made them each so different and fun.  This is what they looked like when the kids were finished painting.

After they are finished Ms. Arty Pants puts her magic touch to them. That Ms. Arty Pants is a miracle worker!

The kids had a blast painting and had even more fun trying to decide who they were going to ask to "Bee their Valentine"!

Of course I painted too!  Guess who will be my valentine or valentines?
And just for fun - my painting outfit!


Saturday, February 9, 2013


My friend Terre and I twinning at school this week!

I love Lilly Pulitzer clothing! It's just so fun and bright! But sometimes it is hard to wear in the cold weather. You have to be creative in the cold winter months with your Lilly! That is why I love the Jonah dress.  It is a thicker knit and easy to wear with a cardigan and leggings. This week I decided to wear my brown Heel Yeah Jonah with my Hotty Pink cardigan to school.  When I got to school my friend and teacher across the hall had on her Hotty Pink cardigan and brown pants! The kids thought this was hilarious that we were dressed alike. (Confession - I thought it was pretty darn great!) I just love matching the people I love! Ha! I know that I am a little too old for that but I just can't help myself! I remember loving when my childhood best friend Gina and I would plan to wear our green monogrammed sweaters to school on the same day! Such fun!

And speaking of twins and matching I will leave you with pictures of the cutest twins I know matching in their Lilly dresses!

Summer 2012

Miss those girlies!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Some things that make me happy...

1. Cute notepads and post it notes.

2. Pink and green

3. Hadley and Harper going to dance!

4. Lemon Curd Cake at Chelsea's Tea Room

5. Family time
Its blurry but this is the only picture I took at our Super Bowl Party!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Facetime, Flannel, and Friday


A couple of pictures from today.

Facetiming with Harper. Her smile is the sweetest thing! My heart melts everytime I see it!

Tried to get a picture with both of them.

My new flannel shirt and Lilly Pulitzer iPhone case!

Arm Candy
I was suppose to go visit the girls this weekend (they live 4 hours away!) but plans changed. So they surprised me with a Facetime call! It took them some time to warm up to talking to me.  Later on Jennifer sent me a message saying that Hadley told her Ariel doll that Moe can't talk right now she's busy in mommy's phone! Ha!
I had intentions of posting a Pinterest inspired outfit today but I feel totally awkward taking pictures of myself! I can't figure out how you are suppose to hold the phone and not look like a dork. I guess someday this will become easier/normal for me or I will continue to feel dorky. Time will tell.