When Hadley and Harper were born I dreamed of the day that they would visit during the summer and stay with me. At the beginning of the summer Jennifer mentioned that if I wanted to do Camp Moe this summer I could. I was excited! I live four hours away from Jennifer and the girls so I wasn't sure how they would do being that far away from their mom. We decided to try a short period of time. Hadley is a little attached to Jennifer. I didn't want her to feel homesick and miserable. Plus we were not sure if she would actually come! But she did!
My mom, dad, and I met Jennifer halfway last Wednesday and picked up the girls for Camp Moe. The girls did great traveling to the mountains. We sang Frozen songs, took selfies with my phone and snuggled in the back seat of my car!
Pictures by Hadley and Harper
The first activity was going on a golf cart ride on the farm with Papa Ronald. The girls saw the sunflowers and wanted to pick one for Granny Janet.
On Thursday the girls wanted to go to the mall to jump. They love jumping on the trampolines at the mall. After we jumped we went on a a little shopping trip to Lilly. They loved trying on dresses and decided they loved every dress they tried on! Ha! We ended our shopping trip with a trip to sweet frogs.
On Friday I had planned to go to the Biltmore House to see the castle but the weather had other plans. We ended up just running a few errands and visiting with my Mamaw Mary.

I loved spending this time with the girls.
Jennifer came up on Friday evening. She brought the girl's cousin McKinley with her.
The weather was okay on Saturday so we headed to the Biltmore House. I had told the girls we were going to a real castle and they thought we were going to see a real princess. Unfortunately the princess was gone for the day and we didn't get to meet her. I think the girls liked seeing the castle but they did not really care for going inside the castle. Of course Jennifer and I took the opportunity to take some pictures.
After we explore the house we took a carriage ride on the Biltmore estate.
I think the girls had a good time at Camp Moe. When I asked them if they would come back they both said yes. They both said their favorite part was jumping at the mall. It is my hope that Camp Moe becomes a yearly tradition. I am blessed that Jennifer would allow them to come up and visit with me. I am thankful that I am a part of their lives. They are my people, my girls, and my loves!