Sunday, February 28, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 8

day 51
I had dinner with two of my dearest friends, Carla and Niki. It was nice to catch up with them before I move. Old friends are the best!

day 52
Here is a secret about me - I love to iron.  My mom gave me this iron for Christmas and I love it so much!

day 53
Mounds of snow in KOP (King of Prussia). It totally reminded me of my Appalachian days! 

day 54
I spent the day at the Pink Palace buying Resort Fall for Palm Village Augusta! It was a fun but short trip! 

day 55
This Le Creuset cookware set makes me want to learn to cook!  

day 56
I handed over my Palm Village Asheville key to the new Assistant Manager, Carly. I will miss Asheville so much but I am so excited to open a Palm Village store in Augusta!

So this next week is pretty busy. I am packing up and moving! Stay tuned...


Sunday, February 21, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 7

Hi Friends!! I hope you are having a good February! I have been busy. I am preparing to move. I am so excited but so busy. I have had a few moments of freaking out but I think that is completely normal, right?

day 43
No picture!
It was a good day. I traveled down to see the girls, had Mexican for lunch, and it snowed! I was suppose to help with Hadley and Harper's Valentine party in their classroom but the snow caused school to let out early. So I didn't get to help with the party. I did get to see their classroom and some of their work.  I guess that is okay. I still can't believe they are in Kindergarten. 

day 44
This is our "why did we come to the mall?" face! It was so crowded! It took us an hour to get out of the parking lot! I guess malls should be avoided the day before a holiday! (it was the day before Valentine's day!)

day 45
I got to spend Valentine's day with my favorites! It was probably the coldest day ever. I don't think it got over 25 degrees! Brrrr.

day 46
I Love Alex! She is always up for a picture of the day! We were meeting with Eleanor over scheduling and we took a quick picture while Eleanor had a phone call!

day 47
My wooden monogram arrived in the mail! It's 24" tall. Now I have to figure out what color to paint it. I plan to hang it on my wall in my new apartment. Several people suggested pink! I am leaning towards gold but pink is a close second!

day 48
This is my favorite side of the UNC vs Duke Lilly dressing room in Durham. It was the day of the big game. Sadly Carolina lost. But I still like the Tarheels the most!

day 49
Work trips are so much fun! We stayed at a hotel that is supposedly one of the most haunted places in Georgia! Nothing crazy happened while we were there!

day 50
The dressing room frames are up in the store! I can't wait to see the store come together!

I hope you had a good week! Next week I have a few work trips to take and I am looking forward to that!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 6

day 36
 Happy 100th day of school Hadley and Harper! 

day 37
 Happy Birthday Eleanor!  

day 38
 Happy day! 

day 39
 Being surrounded by bright colors all day is a hard job but somebody has to do it. 

day 40
 Harper told Jennifer to "send Moe a picture of me holding this cat!"

day 41
 Coming soon to Augusta!

day 42
I can't get over how pretty my store front is...can't wait to show you inside! 


Friday, February 5, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 5

day 29
I had a resting day after a busy week traveling to Mandeville and Knoxville.

day 30
Seeing pictures of these cute girls always brightens my day.
The girls were at the beach getting ready to go down to play in the water! 

day 31
I love the way tree branches look against the evening sky.

day 32
Fun times with my Palm Village work family!
We had a manager's summit in Asheville for a few days. It's always nice to get to talk and catch up with other Lilly girls. 

 day 33
trying something new

day 34
I got to spend three days with the other managers of Palm Village at our first manager's summit. I learned so much and I am ready to tackle Augusta!

motivation for the week
