Thursday, March 24, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 11

It has been a busy week or couple of weeks. I am behind a week on posting my picture of the day!
So here is my attempt to catch up!

day 71
just "For the Halibut"
Happy Friday!

day 72
Early morning walk exploring my new neighborhood!

day 73 and day 74
I was so busy I didn't take a picture.

day 75
out to dinner with the Lilly girls
These women were so helpful in getting my store ready! I am thankful they were there to help!

day 76
I spent all week looking for Lilly in Augusta. I spotted this Lilly girl and got to surprise her with a fun Lilly surprise!

day 77
Life is good when the girls come to visit! I was excited to see my girls and have them at my new place! 
And I think they had fun exploring my new place! or playing dress up in my shoes!

It's hard getting a good picture of three girls at one time! 


Thursday, March 10, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 10

I have officially been in Augusta a week! I am settling in and loving my new place. Now I am waiting for the store to open!

day 64
Junior League attic sale with Eleanor! 
I ended up with a coffee table for my apartment.

day 65
My bathroom is beginning to come together. I just love my monogrammed towels and the grey and pink! 

day 66
I have one corner left to unpack and organize. 

day 67
Jennifer sent me this picture of Harper and this cute puppy! I couldn't resist adding it to this weeks pictures!

day 68
I spent the evening cutting out palm trees! 

day 69
I received my first pieces of mail at my new home! 

day 70
I held plank for 90 seconds today at Pure Barre! I took some time off barre so the 90 second plank was one of the hardest challenges. But I did it today. Hopefully I will be able to continue the trend!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, March 5, 2016

#moeeveryday2016 week 9

Welcome back to my weekly recap of my picture of the day! 

day 57
Hadley and Harper had their first school dance at school. It was suppose to be on Valentine's Day but it snowed.  

day 58
I finally painted my monogram. I painted it gold and it turned out lovely! I can't wait to hang it up in my new home. 

day 59
boxes, boxes, and more boxes

day 60
It was my last day in North Carolina and I had to take Pure Barre one last time with Flavia. She was my first teacher at Pure Barre Asheville. PB Asheville has been my home for 2 years. I will miss them but I look forward to making PB Augusta my new home. 

day 61
I didn't get a picture. I was moving and tired.

day 62
I decided I needed to get involved with Pure Barre. They are doing a March Madness challenge again. I love a challenge and I love Pure Barre. So I felt like I needed to jump right in! 

day 63
I received the most thoughtful housewarming gift from Eleanor. This cookbook is her family's favorite. Eleanor marked her favorites and her mom's favorites. I love it and I hope I can learn to cook! 

I am moving into my new home and getting it organized. So I am sure I will have a lot of pictures of the day sharing my new place! 
